Clear Edit: copy editing services

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Clear Edit Proof Reading & Editing

Copy editing

Copy editing
Copy editing

Keeping your document's purpose and intended audience in mind, we'll copy edit your publication to make sure it flows smoothly and makes sense. We'll also check and correct the following:

  • spelling
  • punctuation
  • capitalisation
  • grammar
  • redundancy
  • phrasing
  • excessive passive voice
  • jargon
  • colloquialisms and clichés
  • continuity
  • style
  • tense
  • title pages and chapter titles
  • references and citations

The most common formats we work with are:

  • Microsoft Word - we'll make corrections using the 'Comments' and 'Track Changes' functions, allowing you to see every change and choose to accept or reject each correction.
  • PDF - we'll indicate changes using Adobe Acrobat's 'Comment & Markup' features.
  • Websites - we can make corrections either in Microsoft Word, on PDF or directly through your content management system
  • Google docs - we can also edit and collaborate with you through Google docs

For other formats, just ask!

Contact us for copy editing services

"You guys were amazing - I am so impressed. Matthew's expertise and fast, robust editing was a major help and shaped my work in a way I could not have done alone. I was so relieved to have you on my team…" [read more]

Jo Robertson

Master's degree candidate, University of Sydney

"Your comments have certainly been detailed and constructive. If all your clients are as satisfied as I am, you should have no trouble in keeping yourself occupied in this field…" [read more]

K.D.L., Author

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