Clear Edit: rates for proofreading and editing services

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Clear Edit Proof Reading & Editing


Every job is different, so the price depends on the service and how many changes are needed. We have special rates when proofreading and editing for individuals and small or medium-sized enterprises, so if that applies to you, please let us know.

We can give you a no-obligation proofreading, copy editing or formatting estimate on your draft document. Just attach it to an email and tell us what service you'd like. We automatically keep everything confidential, whether we end up working together or not.

If you don't have a draft yet, we can give a price indication based on an estimated word count. In Microsoft Word, go to the 'Review' tab, and click the 'Word count' button.

We look forward to hearing about your project, and will reply swiftly.

Get a proofreading, editing or formatting estimate

"Sylvia, you added fun and a glimpse into you as an interested, engaged professional, when you were editing and proofing my documents. In amongst your comments and questions there were some really funny comments and wry observations etc…" [read more]

Sue Dwan, author

Dwan & Associates

"I was utterly impressed by the quality of your work on my academic poster and journal articles. What impressed me even more was the great customer care you provided afterwards…" [read more]


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