Clear Edit Editing & Proof Reading

Email  Phone 027 426 7803    
Clear Edit Proof Reading & Editing

Contact Clear Edit

We welcome your editing and proofreading enquiry. Please contact Sylvia by phone or email, or send us a message using the 'Make an enquiry' form on this page.

If you send through a document, we'll keep it completely confidential - whether we end up working together or not.



027 426 7803

Please email Sylvia if you need our mailing address.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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e.g. Employment contract

* required please.

"I've completed my review of the document you edited. It's fantastic working with someone as professional as yourself, Matthew. I want to compliment you on the level of detail with which you analyse the documents I send; your comments show…" [read more]


"I worked with Sylvia and Matthew at Clear Edit for over four years. Matthew provided high-quality copyediting service and was always very professional, reliable and also delivered his work in a timely manner, even working at night or weekends to meet…" [read more]

Katharina Bauer [no relation]

University of Auckland

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